Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023Liked by Sophie

I enjoyed this!! You brought up Narcissus which reminds me of Echo, the nymph in the story that falls in love with Narcissus. She has a curse so she can only say the last few words she hears, and because this makes her unable to hold conversations, Narcissus didn't pay her too much attention and she wasted away from heartbreak. I find the Narcissus-Echo relationship to be a lot like the Kardashian-influencer relationship. As much as influencers want to be like celebrities, they can only repeat the last few things they've already done (they'll always be one step behind, never setting the trend and just following it and magnifying it). And they want the attention of celebrities, something that few of them actually get sincerely. But for all celebrities, wannabes, and influencers, everyone wants the same thing: connection/being recognized.

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I love this, I think you’re right on with the analogy

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Great piece. On the question of AI and personalized education: I think that this is more or less correct, and if I were in high school or college right now, I would drop out and sit in front of ChatGPT. For the right kind of person, you can scale knowledge curves *much* more quickly with generative AI than you can with traditional education. And who knows: maybe this will generalize to all kinds of students as the tech improves and more capabilities are built on top of it.

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You do know that ChatGPT still only gives you the average answer and only answers stuff you are able to ask? So, in order to use it well, you need to know at least something - to ask the right the questions and to at least have a feeling, when it’s bullshitting you.

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Yes that's a significant limitation of the current tech.

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And you’d still drop out? Isn’t it more of a hindsight bias talking?

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Sophie

Interesting thesis, thanks.

However don't the increasingly-powerful digital filters reduce the need for cosmetics and plastic surgery? Real celebrities need to look good in public, but the legions of TikTok and Instagram wanna-bes don't.

I did pick up some INMD today, because they're cheap, seem unfairly punished for what is going on in Israel, and should benefit from Ozempic-powered skin loosening.

AI is clearly going to steamroll education, though I completely forgot about that bit from the Diamond Age.

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This trend seems absolutely unavoidable, which also makes me paranoid as typically you don't get great returns from investing in things that seem so obviously to be happening. Maybe I'm overthinking it? Regardless, great article and jives well with the recent Hanania piece: https://www.richardhanania.com/p/on-the-death-of-a-common-american?r=1u02l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Great post, thanks for putting thoughts together here thesis makes sense

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Sophie

Amazing post. Hyperindividualization in all sectors is 100% coming (maybe we’re already one foot in). And while I agree that social media and online presence/fame grew in prestige and value, I still think that it’s not the only part of the game (and never will be). I think, to some extent, current generation addicted to social media and online presence, might regress back to what their old folks were doing once they get old themselves. Again, to some extent! Maybe that’s cope/cynism/hope (choose whichever you find the most fitting), but I think that the valu of online presence gets lower and lower with age.

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Great article!

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Thumbnail source image?

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created on midjourney

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This is really interesting. Thanks for posting it.

The base model is trained frequently, yes, but they are updating the personalized embeddings every 4 posts for you iirc.

Becoming an "online creator" let me start a company that is now at 5 full time employees and is consulting with the world's biggest funds and firms, travel around the world every week, and do whatever I want. Thinking I need a start Ozempic now with all the shilling Doug and now you been doing given my weight +20 lbs in the last ~2 years due to the unhealthy lifestyle.

Also thanks for the shout out + compliment!

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Wait but isn't Gen X inheriting the boomers money? With life expectancy what it is gen z can wait at least for 4 decades 😅

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