Exploring themes and trends from the industries that revolve around the transfer of data and highlighting relevant companies within them.
great job sophie I use a variant of this quote all the time when I talk about long run investing:
"For instance, if someone had told you in the 1990s the number of cellphones that would be in use in 2023, you might have bought Ericsson and Nokia."
I enjoy your scientific approach - reminds me of the Alchemy of markets by George Soros. Hope you have read Karl Popper; great books and mental models which Soros used quite a bit.
great job sophie I use a variant of this quote all the time when I talk about long run investing:
"For instance, if someone had told you in the 1990s the number of cellphones that would be in use in 2023, you might have bought Ericsson and Nokia."
I enjoy your scientific approach - reminds me of the Alchemy of markets by George Soros. Hope you have read Karl Popper; great books and mental models which Soros used quite a bit.